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Adobe Premiere Pro Brooker Films 001





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If you're new to Adobe Premiere Pro /then opening up premiere/ for the very first time/ can be really intimidating.


How do you import your footage/ how do you even create a new sequence/ how do you edit your video/ and create text effects there's so much.


But what I'm going to do in this video/ I'm going to run you through everything/ that you need to know/in order to get started/ and to actually make and Export a video. So let's get into it.



So every single video project in Adobe Premiere Pro begins here. This is the first screen you'll see once you've loaded up Premiere.


These are all of our previous projects. Or instead of that/ you could go to open project/ and open your project here.


But let's assume we're creating a new project. So we'll select new project. That will open up this window.


Now as you'll see in the top left window/ you've got project name.


So let's rename this to Brooker films. And then you can decide where you want to place this.


So you can put this at home/ on the desktop/ in your documents/ and your downloads.


We'll just stick this on the desktop for now. And then we'll just go ahead/ and select create/ and that is created the project.


So just to confirm that's not creating a sequence that is creating a project.


So a project is the entire project /and a sequence is/ where the video will be edited.


So let's go ahead and create a new sequence. So we'll go file/ new sequence/ and that is going to create our new sequence.


Now we've got all of these presets. These are two custom ones/ that I have made for ease of use.


But you can see. We've got all of these different presets/ which are going to give us quite a lot of information.


But basically what I like to do is/ I go to settings/ go into a custom editing mode.


I select a Time base of 25 frames per second. And this is just what's the frame rate/ of your project.


If you're in England that's going to be 25 or if you're in America that's probably going to be 30 or 24.


Then you've got the frame size. So this is 1920x1080 3840x2160 basically 4K 1080 5K.


This is your project or your video size. So I'm going to go for 4K here or a 4K UHD


Then you can go ahead and select a pixel aspect ratio of one. No field progressive scan.


Everything else/ there is completely fine. And we'll just rename this to video one. [Music]


So now we need to go ahead and import some footage. so we would do that by going to the project tab which is down here.


And if you can't see the project tab /then all you need to do is/ go up into window/ and go down to projects/ and make sure/ that that project is enabled.


Now from here /you want to create a new bin. So that's this button here /which is basically a folder. A bin is a folder. And we'll just rename this to footage.


Now we'll go into that bin/ go into the media browser/ window/ and we're going to go ahead and navigate through to your footage.


So I'm going to go for Lumix one/ select this folder/ and we'll just import everything in this folder.


So this is just a previous YouTube video. This is all of the raw footage that I was using in that project.


Now there's many different ways to get your footage onto the timeline. The way that I do it is the lazy way/ but that's the way/ that I've always done it. So doing it there more organized and more clean way/ doesn't really work for me.


But I just select everything and I just drag it in. I keep the existing settings.


And the reason why we're getting this here is/ because the video is a larger aspect ratio than the project itself.


So the project is set to 4K UHD/ but this footage is actually a bit larger.


And it's got a few different other settings. But once you've done that/ you can just scrub through /and this is all of our footage.


Now like I said that is the lazy way to do that. Instead the more professional way of doing this /is to go into a Clips.


So let's select this one. So 1627.  You'd watch through pick the moment that you're looking for. Select an end point. Scrub through to the point where you want it to finish. Select the out points and then drag that over into the project. 

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